The Grief Cocoon is a warm and welcoming place where you dont have to grieve alone.We know how isolating and challenging it can be after a loss, so we created this community platform to ensure that youre not alone in your journey and that youre better equipped to deal with the challenges of grief.What we offer:RESOURCESAccess free research-based articles, recommendations, and tools to help you gain a better understanding of grief and how to live with it.COMMUNITY GROUPSFind like-minded people in your local area who are also grieving, share experiences and be supported wherever you are in your grief journey.PRIVATE CHAT FUNCTIONSend direct, private messages to people you connect with in the community or directly reach out to us for support.EVENTS AND WORKSHOPSFind out about upcoming online and in-person workshops and events where you can learn how to creatively process your grief and connect with others.PERSONAL STORIESView personal stories and creative work by people in the community or submit your own story.COURSESFree and low-cost online courses to help you better live with grief and creatively process it.FEEDBACK & SUGGESTIONSHelp shape The Grief Cocoon by providing suggestions and feedback while youre using it. Were committed to taking on suggestions and learning how to better support our community.